The Comida

Nam nhi swad bikta hai

The Comida Pav Bhaji - something about us

We “The Comida” trying to make a unique impression among foodies from whole world. The Comida Pav Bhaji outlet at Lucknow is our first step towards our bigger goal to establish The Comida Pav Bhaji flavor at global level.

We are here experimenting  with a few verities of Pav Bhaji and continuously trying to create new experiences with our customers.

If you love fast food with Indian flavor , none other than The Comida Pav Bhaji is the best option to try. This dish is most popular in Mumbai but from ancient it was present in various traditional format through out the India .

We are based in India’s most prestigious city Lucknow which is not only attract a thousands of foreigners to explore its ancient heritage but also for the lucknavi flavor of food verities like Kabab , Biryani and Pav Bhaji..

How you can find us ?

You can find us from various way , I would like to mention in a sequential steps >>

  • You can call us @ 9369715894. And we will direct you how to reach to us.
  • You can Search over your phone “The Comida”. Trust me you will get first place to our restaurant and through that you can navigate us over Google Map.
  • You can also try to find at SWIGGY but only if you are around the 5-6 km radius of  our restaurant.

If you are visiting Lucknow from any city or out side India for a business trip or just for exploring the GLORY of  Lucknow , we would request you to once visit at our Pav Bhaji  outlet.

We would like to serve you one of the most mouth watering flavor of our Pav Bhaji at our outlet or we can also deliver to your location as well.

We are here for your for every day from 9:00 AM Morning to 10:00PM in night.

If you are coming from a long distance it would be advisable just have a call and book your meeting with us in advance .

The Comida

A glimpse of our outlet